| 1. | In - depth analysis on birth charts 深入的星宫图分析 |
| 2. | Elementary birth chart reading 初步的星宫图解读 |
| 3. | For many upon the spiritual path , reversing their birth chart is a great gift in the ascent to bodhisattva 对很多灵性路径上的人们而言,出生星图的逆转是提升到菩萨水平的巨大礼物。 |
| 4. | Understand the meanings of planets on different zodiac signs and houses by interpreting one s birth chart 通过对自己星宫图的解读,以系统化的方式进一步了解行星在不同的星座宫位的意义 |
| 5. | Many spiritual aspirants chose to be born at a particular time with birth charts of extreme difficulty to teach one about the vital lessons of compassion in action 很多灵性提升者选择出生在星图极端困难的特别时刻,在行动中教会自己有关同情的关键课程。 |
| 6. | In ascending to bodhisattva , one ' s solar birth chart reverses fully , and one experiences the opposite to whom and what one has known oneself to be from birth for a time thereafter 提升到菩萨水平时,一个人的太阳出生星图将完全逆转,你从而能体验到自出生后所懂得的相反内容。 |
| 7. | Therefore one ' s birth chart ceases to have as much meaning as a new pull of forces that are universal in size begin to direct the dance more fully the further one ascends 因此,你的出生星图将不再有那么多意义,因为当你提升越深入时,一个新的、银河大小的力量就会开始更完全地引领舞蹈。 |
| 8. | I " ve since learned to trust and honor the energies that move me , and i can now read the tale of those initial impulses in my astrological birth chart and within the pleiadian chart as well 我自从学会信赖和荣耀传递给我的这些能量,而且我现在能阅读在我的占星产生的图解中那些最初的故事的冲动以及阅读昴宿星的图解。 |
| 9. | Predictions in jyotish incorporate various elements around the birth chart - influences of transits ( similar to western astrology though more focused on houses or bhavas ) as well as dashas 周谛士的预言与围绕出生图表的各种要素形成一体? ?对转变的影响(类似的是西洋占星术,通过对房子和行为的更多关注) ,同时达莎也一样。 |
| 10. | This course helps you understand the basic astrology knowledge , and teaches you how to read your birth chart . through discussions and practices , students can learn astrology in a fun and interesting way 本课程会助你掌握基本的占星知识,逐步教你解读星宫图,并会透过不同的练习讨论以及每位学员的星宫图,让大家灵活地学会占星学。 |